It's December 17th! That means is time for the Project for Awesome! Set up by Hank and John Green of the Vlogbrothers, it is a project to basically have everyone make a video about a charity that they love and and want to support; and raise awareness to others about their said charity. All of the videos with the same thumbnail for Project for Awesome are promoted by the Vlogbrothers and other Nerdfighters, prompting watchers to hit that Like button, add the video to their Favorites playlist, and spam the comments section. The goal is to trick the YouTube algorithms into thinking that these videos have gone viral, and have them featured on the front page of YouTube. Then, whoever happens to go to YouTube will see all of these videos with the same thumbnail and click on them and watch them, not even knowing that it is for charity!
I chose to talk about an organization called Embrace. Embrace creates portable infant warmer for babies in rural areas that are born prematurely and do not have access to an expensive incubator that could save their little lives. These miniature sleeping bags are made of special phase change material that can be heated without electricity and maintain a constant temperature over four hours, keeping tiny babies warm. For the full scoop, go watch my video Project for Awesome 2010: Embrace.