Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Vegetarian Chili

So it's Lent, and that means trying to come up with some meat-free options for Fridays. My go to dinners are usually pancakes or spaghetti... dull, I know. The whole idea for veggie chili came about because I had a yellow squash that needed to be eaten. That's all it took-- one little, insignificant squash. So I wandered over to Sprouts and picked up ridiculously inexpensive canned goods. I think I got three cans of beans, a can of fire roasted tomatoes, and a vegetarian chili seasoning packet for around $5. I had all the veggies just laying around at home, so I put this dish together pretty quickly and relatively cheap. I was a little worried, in fact, that it made so much. Luckily, I had a hungry college boy on hand to come and eat most of it!

Japan's Nuclear Disaster Explained

If you're interested in understanding what's happening and the concern in Japan.

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