Thursday, December 15, 2011

Oh that's right, I have a food blog

A poor, neglected little food blog. I can't believe that I haven't been here since March, that's almost shameful. Here's the Christmas newsletter gist of what I've been up to, and why I've been away.

Some time around the beginning of last year I came to the conclusion that living in Greeley and studying journalism just wasn't for me. I had my mind set on writing for film, but didn't feel that a simple English degree would get me where I wanted to be, so I chose journalism as a major. Little did I know that I was only pre-journalism, and couldn't declare my film minor until I took a written test to be accepted into the department. This simply would not do; I transferred to the University of Colorado Denver into a video production major, rather than film studies.

I moved out of my lovely apartment and back home with my family. I still miss that private bathroom... I got my old job back at Starbucks and spent the summer slinging espresso. Then school started up, and I was consumed with trying to jump into a field that I desired, but knew hardly anything about. I took acting this semester. Acting. I haven't taken acting since 8th grade, and the dialogue I chose was from The Parent Trap. More fun, and a lot less terrifying than I expected.

I just haven't felt like cooking ever since I've been at home. Hardly at all. In fact, lately, doing desserts for people other that family and close friends has brought me a tremendous amount of anxiety. I was recently commissioned to be the "Birthday Cake Baker" at work, and it fills me with dread. I haven't even done any solo grocery shopping, as much as I love too. I'm not quite sure why I've felt this way, but it is ebbing away now that the holidays are here.

So, as a New Years' resolution, I want to make this the best little food blog that I can! I would also love to  join it with my other internet obsessions and link it up with the YouTube channel that I've created. I would love to start posting video about basic skills, techniques, decorating, and step-by-step recipes. The channel is currently empty of videos, but I aim to remedy that soon enough. Once there's a video, you'll be able to find it at the YouTube channel 3amBreakfast.

Hope everyone has a happy holiday!


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